There are numerous varieties of pomes. Of the citron[1] we have already made mention when describing its tree; the Greeks gave it the name of "Medica,"[2] from its native country. The jujube[3]-tree and the tuber[4] are equally exotics; indeed, they have, both of them, been introduced only of late years into Italy; the latter from Africa, the former from Syria. Sextus Papinius, whom we have seen consul,[5] introduced them both in the latter years of the reign of Augustus, produced from slips which he had grown within his camp. The fruit of the jujube more nearly resembles a berry than an apple: the tree sets off a terrace[6] remarkably well, and it is not uncommon to see whole woods of it climbing up to the very roofs of the houses.

Of the tuber there are two varieties; the white, and the one called "syricum,"[7] from its colour. Those fruits, too, may be almost pronounced exotic which grow nowhere in Italy but in the territory of Verona, and are known as the wool-fruit.[8] They are covered with a woolly down; this is found, it is true, to a very considerable extent, on both the strutheum variety of quince and the peach, but still it has given its name to this particular fruit, which is recommended to us by no other remarkable quality.

1. See B. xii. c. 7.

2. Of Media.

3. Its fruit will ripen in France, as far north as Tours. It is the Zizyphus vulgaris of Lamarck. It resembles a small plum, and is sometimes used as a sweetmeat. The confection sold as jujube paste is not the dried jelly of this fruit, but merely gum arabic and sugar, coloured.

4. A variety of the jujube, Fée is inclined to think. A nut-peach has also been suggested.

5. A.U.C. 779.

6. Or perhaps embankment: "agger."

7. A reddish colour. For the composition of this colour, see B. xxxv. c. 24.

8. "Lanata;" perhaps rather the "downy" fruit; a variety of quince, Fée thinks. Pliny probably had never seen this fruit, in his opinion, and only speaks after Virgil, Eel. ii. 1. 51. "Ipse ego cana legam tenera lanugine mala."